You can learn PHP hosting in a day and be on your way to building your own website. You may not think that is possible but many many people have done it. The response I always receive from people who learn PHP is "I never thought it would be that easy." It seems complicated to learn PHP code, and it does take work, but it is not nearly as complicated as people think. This isn't rocket science, it's cheap and easy web hosting. If that skinny little pimply faced geek from high school who couldn't even figure out how to get a date can learn PHP, so can you.
You will be surprised, too, at just how easy it is to learn PHP for web hosting and website building. Learning PHP really only requires a very few things from you:
- A driving reason to learn it (like making money, paying bills, giving more to charity)
- Determination to put it into practice
- A simple PHP tutorial
That's it. If you have those three things you will be on your way to learning PHP code.
PHP just stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. Yes the P stands for PHP, it's a recurring acronym which is just maddening. It used to simply mean "Personal Home Page" back in the day when it was newly created to write your own little home page on the internet. Some people were still calling it "the internets" back then.
What does PHP Really do? It gives you a language of sorts that computers read to do exactly what you want them to do. You can "print" things, in other words tell them to show up on a page you are building. You can run command lines that take care of automated tasks for you. You can create dynamic content that keeps your website fresh and attractive to search engines. There is really little limit to what you can do. There are certainly other programming languages than PHP that you can use. The nice thing about PHP though is once you learn it you can use it in so many places. It is a cross platform programming language that can be used in other places than website hosting. Of course you can combine it with HTML to make your website look and perform exactly the way you want it to.
So why keep paying $300 per little tiny simple website or much more for a complex website? Why not pay the small price tag for your own PHP tutorial, spend a Saturday learning it, and start making money with your own PHP web hosting projects. You really can do it.
My name is Dave Ward. I am a professor, author, freelance internet writer, and niche marketer. I love showing people the benefits of deciding to learn PHP web hosting for themselves. There really is no reason why in the 21st century you shouldn't know how to build your own website. It's so easy to learn, takes so little time, and offers so many benefits it seems to me that everyone should learn php and start reaping the benefits. Think of it this way, anyone who can write a website has a job even in the worst economy. As I always say, any dummy can learn PHP!
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