In an industry where fierce competition exists, web-hosting companies are all out to offer the cheapest deals in order to acquire a huge customer base. This specially applies to the newer bunch of web hosts as the older companies find it a tad daunting to raise their pricing structures. These bargain deals usually seem very attractive to the customers and are usually grabbed within no time. Deals like "unlimited bandwidth for just$1!" "Cheap web hosting bargains" and other such ads create a peaked interest among the customers and this trend has made the web hosting industry fiercely competitive.
While in most cases, cheap hosting services may be viewed with a doubtful mind; it is not necessary that cheap hosting services do not offer quality services. It is always a good idea to get the services of a cheap hosting provider who is offering the same server, bandwidth and disk space, control panel, type of data center as well as technical support as their competitors. The only difference lies in their pricing structures and perhaps their experience and/or longevity in the industry.
The cost involved in small web hosting companies that manage low-cost servers from an advanced data center is comparatively smaller. This makes it possible for the hosting providers to keep their pricing structures to a bare minimum.
Furthermore, the demand for dedicated servers has grown over the years and this competition has created the need for unmanaged, low cost server rentals.
The customer on the other hand wants superior services at a reduced monthly rental. Cheap web hosting has been made possible also because of reduced server costs as compared to its costs few years ago. Cheap web hosting companies also offer additional tools and features that are not always included within the expensive packages offered by other companies. For example, some companies offer backup services free of cost while others may charge a certain fee for this service. These diverse strategies adopted by the newer companies have proven to be quite effective. Every user does not always require backups and yet certain companies impose this service and the customer is impelled to pay for a service that is included in the given package.
Affordable or cheap web hosting companies usually offer all the basic features required to host a website and offer weekly backups as an additional or free feature within the hosting package. This greatly enhances the attraction quotient of the company. These companies usually offer services starting from $2 per month to $4 per month. While some potential customers may be a tad skeptical of the services, most of the cheap hosting providers out there are offering proficient support and quality services.
There is however no rule of thumb here to determine whether a cheap web-hosting provider is better than an expensive one. It is best to gather all relevant information on the given hosting company and analyze your own requirements and budget before you compare and choose a hosting provider for your website. lists web hosting coupons, deals, discounts, savings and exclusive promotions from the top web hosts. You will find the best of web hosting companies listed there including the most recommended web hosts and domain registrars - godaddy, bluehost and hostgator. It covers blog discussions and topics like web hosting discussions and hosting reviews
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